Connection with train


Dear passengers, our company serve the regular daily route Uzhgorod-Chop-Nyíregyháza-Budapest.

Some trains which you can use to get to the place of boarding in Uzhgorod and Chop:
01:10 в Чопе, 02:05 в Ужгороді, №749 (ІНТЕРСІТІ) Київ-Ужгород (ч/з Львів)
09:30 в Ужгороді, №38 Одеса-Ужгород (ч/з Львів, Тернопіль, Хмельницький)
09:46 в Ужгороді, №29 Київ-Ужгород (ч/з Львів)
10:18 в Чопе, №81 Київ-Ужгород (ч/з Вінниця, Хмельницький, Тернопіль, Львів)

On the reverse direction Budapest- Nyiregyhaza-Chop-Uzhgorod, the passengers who travel to the direction of Lviv, Kyiv, Odesa can use the following trains:
04:56 з Ужгорода, №749 (ІНТЕРСІТІ) Ужгород-Київ (ч/з Чоп, Львів)
06:27 з Ужгорода, №829 Ужгород-Львів (ч/з Чоп, Мукачево)
13:25 з Ужгорода, №17 Ужгород-Харьків (ч/з Львів, Київ, Полтава)
13:52 з Ужгорода, №60 Чоп-Київ (ч/з Ужгород, Львів)
16:00 з Ужгорода, №81 Ужгород-Київ (ч/з Львів, Тернопіль, Хмельницький, Вінница)
18:30 з Ужгорода, №29 Ужгород-Київ (ч/з Львів)
20:07 з Ужгорода, №37 Ужгород-Одеса (ч/з Львів, Тернопіль, Хмельницький)
7:30, 10:00, 15:00, 18:00, 20:00 з Ужгорода, з автовокзала, автобус Ужгород-Київ 


Please check the actual timetables on the site of “Ukrzaliznytsia”.


You can get on a bus in Uzhgorod or Chop depending of your choice. We ask all passengers who traveling to place of boarding to Uzhgorod or Chop on the train, please inform us about the arrival time, number of train and contact phone and indicate info in the field of “additional information” during purchase tickets via on-line service on our site.


The place of boarding in UZHGOROD

The place of boarding in Uzhgorod, UA – 2, Stantsiina St., the Bus Terminal “Uzhgorod-1”, platform for international route. It is 100 miters far from the central railway station, opposite the exit from the railway station building. The GPS coordinate: 48.609579, 22.298320. On the platform please wait the comfortable coach with label “Uzhgorod-Budapest” on the windscreen.


The departure time – 10:35 (a.m.)


If the train will delay, please check the time of delay to conductor and contact us in advance. We will wait you depending from the others passengers interconnections (transfers).






The place of boarding in CHOP

The place of boarding in Chop, UA – 1, Privokzalna St., the square opposite the LOCAL railway station. The GPS coordinate: 48.432003, 22.205165. On the parking place, please wait the comfortable coach with label Uzhgorod-Budapest on the windscreen. 


The departure time is 11:00 (a.m.). From the platform to the place of boarding 3 munutes for a wolk. 


If the train will delay, please check the time of delay to conductor and contact us in advance. We will wait you depending from the others passengers interconnections (transfers).





On the reverse direction Budapest- Nyiregyhaza-Chop-Uzhgorod the approximately time of arrival to Chop is 23:00 (p.m.) and to Uzhgorod is 23:30 (p.m.).


In the current section and everywhere on the web-site indicated the Central European Time on the territory of Hungary and Austria and Kiev-time on the territory of Ukraine. The delay is possible during the crossing of the border as in Budapest-Vienna direction as in Chop-Uzhgorod direction, also. Due to the above, unfortunately, our company can not guarantee the 100% keeping of the timetable. Please, take into account this information during planning of your trip and others transfers.